Post travel routine disruption

posted by Jeff | Monday, May 31, 2010, 8:35 PM | comments: 0

Simon doesn't have a rigid schedule, but he does have a pattern for sure. It varies by as much as two hours, but we can usually bank on him getting up from an afternoon nap between 3 and 5, and go to bed for the evening between 5 and 7.

Until we screwed him up with the vacation travel. :)

He did OK when we got home yesterday, but was in bed even before 5. He got up for his first late night snack around 11, which is definitely part of his routine. Today, however, he was all over the place. He finally agreed to an afternoon nap, after about a half-hour of coaxing.

The evening brought a strange series of put down attempts and eating. We entertained him until about 5:30, when he was ready to pass out. He got right back up by 6:30, so thinking about how he just ate, we gave him four more ounces. He wouldn't sleep, but he was generally happy. We put him down again, and he was having none of that, but we thought we'd let him attempt to cry it out. That didn't work. Again, we figured as a last resort he was hungry, and gave him some more, then more. All told, he had about 12 ounces in two and a half hours, which is an awful lot for him.

He was still not in any mood to sleep, so Diana resorted to intense rocking and walking around therapy. You could tell he was tired, but he had passed the point of no return and had to be talked off of a ledge. But finally, the three hour ordeal was over, and he was sleeping like a baby.

(Sidebar: I don't know who came up with the term "sleep like a baby," but it's complete bullshit. Babies don't sleep well, or even for long periods of time. As a grown up, if I "slept like a baby" I'd be tired and miserable all of the time! Perhaps "sleep like a toddler" is more appropriate.)

I think some of this is just us bitching about the inconsistency, and we constantly have to remind ourselves that he's not quite three months old. Diana's intense research on sleep probably makes her even more anxious on the subject. Despite all of this, I can tell you that it's still worth it as every day we watch his personality develop. He's one charming kid!


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