80's movie weekend

posted by Jeff | Sunday, February 10, 2008, 8:59 PM | comments: 1

We watched the first Terminator movie yesterday. Diana hasn't seen any of them, but we've been watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles on TV, so I figured I'd pick up the first and third movies (I already have T2) so she could fill in the blanks. Wow, the music in that first one is pretty terrible. Linda Hamilton's hair is pretty terrible too. The club scene was funny for the dancing. The stop-motion animation was bad too. But the thing is, the story was still pretty epic, and really set up this great universe for the other movies and the TV show. The time travel element also let them explain away how Sarah was still alive in 2007 for the TV show.

I also snagged War Games, coincidentally another movie about computers causing a nuclear holocaust. The computer hardware, especially the 8" floppies, is pretty hilarious. I don't think I had seen the movie in at least 20 years. It came out when I was 10, and I think it just might be the source of my first movie star crush. Ally Sheedy was pretty cute in that movie, and it was fortunately a year or two before big 80's hair came out.

Yay for cheap old movies!



February 11, 2008, 3:36 AM #

You talk about "old" 1980's movies and I remember Gordon and I going to see Terminator AFTER we were married. And we thought War Games was pretty hokey when we saw it new.

Now...talk about an old movie. I watched the 1960's version of The Time Machine with Rod Taylor this afternoon.

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