A fun podcast

posted by Jeff | Monday, June 5, 2006, 9:29 PM | comments: 2

I just posted our latest podcast. Man, it was a slow news week. We really screwed around. Funny how suddenly there's a lot more personality, but it's probably not exactly professional.



June 6, 2006, 3:38 AM #

Who cares about professional? "We" all enjoy a fun hobby, so I think the cast should reflect that.

Here is a suggestion that I think may help the podcasts seem more lively: Have the news stories read by all the guys, instead of just you. Think Diggnation.

Of course it's only a thought and not my show, but It would guarantee a little more talky-talky from all.


June 6, 2006, 7:12 PM #

The problem with that is that I'm illiterate, Neuski.

Seriously though, I feel much more comfortable (natural?) with that style of recording. I think these types of podcasts are among the best of the bunch.

I suppose the more fun we have, the more fun it is to listen to just as long as thing don't get too far gone. Still hit all the news items, but keep it light and jovial.

I think anything done at PKI for BeastBuzz has the potential to really play this angle.

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