What was neat about this incident is that my car, the Corolla I bought a couple of months ago, has anti-lock brakes. It's the first car I've had with ABS. While the idiot in the big, causing-gas-to-be-two-dollars SUV nearly lost control, I was able to steer clear without ever skidding. That's pretty cool.
I know there has been a certain amount of debate about ABS. Some people who drive professionally, racing or otherwise, say that it removes a certain amount of control from their driving, because they expect the deal with the car and the physics involved with a skid. I can certainly appreciate that, because that's how I feel about driving in show. I know what braking and steering will cause the car to do, and it's what I expect.
Still, this was kind of neat. I hate that drive... and things like this make it worse.