After work social gatherings

posted by Jeff | Friday, February 29, 2008, 10:12 PM | comments: 6

One of our project managers at work had her last day, as she decided to move on to a different job after six years. We had a little after-school gathering to send her off. Really diverse group of people from around the company. Diana met me there too, so she could finally put faces to names (and people could see I didn't make her up).

I realized that I do work with a lot of very cool people. The last few months in particular I've tried to deepen the connection with people I can relate to, or generally find interesting. It's kind of hard to interact socially because of the distance to home, and it's a bitch a lot of the time to get people to go to lunch. Far too many over-achievers that sacrifice lunch for another meeting!

Anyway, good times. Would've stayed longer but Diana and I were pretty anxious to get some real food (which ended up sucking, which is unusual for Mustard Seed Market).



March 1, 2008, 4:19 AM #

I really wish I didn't work with lame people. I would love to want to meet with them after work.


March 1, 2008, 5:21 AM #

It's not so much that I work with lame people, the problem I have is that I am at least seven to eight years younger than the next oldest person in my department.


March 1, 2008, 8:50 PM #

I have the opposite problem in that I'm older than most of the people I work with and those closer to my age are, like me, busy with other familial obligations.


March 2, 2008, 3:15 AM #

And certain creepy stalkers were revealed!

March 2, 2008, 4:22 AM #

I'm fairly certain that your co-workers have figured out that "Diana" is a cover, and that you're pretty much a closet queen.


March 2, 2008, 6:50 AM #

It's cool to hang out with people from work from time to time, but there is also some value in keeping work about work and your personal life about your personal life. When the lines blur between the two, sometimes problems occur.

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