As if I could resist that piece of Japanese goodness

posted by Jeff | Tuesday, August 7, 2007, 11:15 AM | comments: 2

Yeah, I plugged in the Wii last night. As if I could have a new electronic gadget sitting in my house unopened. I'm surprised I held out long enough to get the podcast posted.

I screwed around with the Wii Sports. That's fun. Played a couple of Super Paper Mario levels too. Very classic style game, but would be a lot better if you didn't have to sit through the Engrish cut scenes.

The shop was down for maintenance, so I didn't get to see what classic games were available, so I look forward to checking that out. Sweet that it plays my Gamecube games too. I'm going to see if I can find WarioWare, especially since my copy of the DS version is somewhere in Minnesota on "loan."

Neat little box though, and I can't believe that Nintendo is basically getting away with selling six-year-old hardware with novel controllers, making a profit on hardware sales (unheard of in the last 15 years of consoles), and taking the number one place in sales. Just goes to show that it's still the games that matter most.



August 7, 2007, 4:03 PM #

They took a HUGE gamble. And it's paying off in spades. We bought a Wii for the office, and we still haven't gotten tired of Tennis. We also picked up the "Wii Play" disc, but man, that's only a bunch of bad minigames. I only think two are acceptable for repeat play: the Find Mii game and the Battle Tanks.

Still, not bad for $10. (came packaged in a Wiimote, costing only $10 more than the price of a solo Wiimote)


August 8, 2007, 2:17 PM #

I agree with you about Super Paper Mario. The game play is fun, but having to sit through the cut scenes is a pain.

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