Baby Stopwatch ready to go

posted by Jeff | Saturday, November 20, 2010, 12:05 AM | comments: 1

My Baby Stopwatch app for Windows Phone went live today. Hooray!

This is wholly not that big of a deal in my mind, because it's not complex, pretty or otherwise remarkable in any way. The only reason it exists is that I wanted to build something for the phone, and as employees we can get reimbursed for our app store subscription (if I could find the right form, anyway). It's a science project.

Still, if it turns out that people find it useful, and it generates any kind of meaningful revenue, I might revisit it to post its data to the Web site, and maybe add the forums. Silly-simple ideas sometimes grow into bigger things.

Unfortunately, I had to resubmit the app, since there's an absurd static property on the ad control that is false by default, called TestMode. Why you'd have that as false by default is beyond me, but the documentation wasn't great, so whatever. Then I had to resubmit it again because they wouldn't certify it, suggesting that one of the screenshots (the splash screen) wasn't in the app. Stupid.

And by the way, I got a 32 gig microSD card (can't believe how little it is!), so the phone now has 40 gigs total. I have all of my music on it, synced with the Mac Connector tool. I'm super happy about it, and loving the phone. Going back to mess with the iPhone feels like going backward. Never thought in a million years I'd say that.



November 20, 2010, 2:23 PM #

Yeah, MicroSD cards are insanely tiny. Didn't know they had them above 16GB though, I have a 4GB one in my Android phone and even that seems like a ridiculous amount of storage for such a tiny card.

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