"Big breakfast" diet

posted by Jeff | Friday, June 20, 2008, 4:51 PM | comments: 6

Call me a skeptic, but it does at least point out the idiocy of the low carb diet, mainly that ultimately your metabolism takes a nose dive...




June 20, 2008, 9:39 PM #

I don't think that this will work as a diet, either. Yes, you get a jump-start on your metabolism by eating a bunch of carbs for breakfast, but then, you may make yourself hungry when all that converted sugar is used up.


June 20, 2008, 11:01 PM #

Unless, of course, like me, you can't have a high carb breakfast due to low blood sugar issues. If I ate a breakfast high in carbs first thing in the morning, I'd pass out within 2 hours and then have a migraine the rest of the day.

In my case, high carbs kicks my insulin into overdrive and my blood sugar drops dramatically. I was 26 before a doctor finally figured this out after an 8 hour glucose tolerance test. It also explained why I always passed out in church on Easter and Christmas mornings.

But I do believe a big breakfast in the morning gets the metabolism started. I just can't have maple syrup, high carb fruits (like melons or orange juice) or sweetened cereals. I stick to eggs in some form, toast, half a grapefruit and a couple of slices of bacon.


June 21, 2008, 12:53 AM #

Dude, that's not the way your body works. Fucking let go of that nonsense. Carbohydrate is not the enemy, it's generally half of what powers your body (the other half being fat). Your brain doesn't work when you don't have adequate carbohydrate (which is perhaps why people keep doing it).

The key is to make sure you're eating complex carbohydrates, not the refined sugar crap that zips through you and leaves you crashing. It's not that complicated. Avoid white bread and sugary crap and eat the good stuff, like whole grain anything. It's processed slower, and doesn't bring you up and down. A whole wheat bagel and bowl of mini-wheats are high in carbohydrate, but it's all complex carbs.


June 21, 2008, 1:26 AM #

Something we agree on. Of course you have to eat complex carbs like whole grain (not just whole wheat) bread. It's typically all I eat, unless we are someplace (like out to eat) that doesn't have it available.


June 23, 2008, 4:07 AM #

Interesting book I just finished on how messed up all of the diet fads and/or nutritional information that has come about over the past 30 years:

"In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto"


June 23, 2008, 2:18 PM #


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