Blogging less

posted by Jeff | Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:03 PM | comments: 1

I find myself blogging less, or at least not as consistently as usual. I can attribute this to being busy at work, spending more time bundled up on the couch with Diana (fireplace on) and generally having more offline distractions.

I can recall blogging more when left to my own devices for more time, either from non-employment or being single.

But writing less I think causes my brain to get lazy, even though I tend to write about some stupid shit a lot of the time. I need to make time.



January 15, 2009, 10:24 PM #

"fireplace on"

That just cracked me up. I don't have a gas fireplace. So I have to actually build a fire in mine.

Of course it's better than Ian's fireplace which just happens to be a fireplace fire that came with his HDTV.

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