I find myself late in the evenings, or early in the morning if you prefer, feeling like I don't want to go to bed. As if there's something else to do. This despite the fact that I keep yawning and there's typically a cat that's out cold within arms reach.
But I think I've finally hit my stride. As I've said before, I really believe that a person has at most six good hours of productive work time, and the rest of the time you need to do other stuff. For me, I've pretty consistently worked on self-employment projects from about 2 to 5 in the afternoon, and then from 10 to 1 at night. It's ridiculously not traditional, but it's working out. In the event I can make a go of true self-sustaining work some day, this seems to be the routine that works best for me.
In the mornings I read news and stuff on the Internet, have lunch, read and read some more. In the evenings I hang out with Diana and we play video games or watch movies or whatever. I'm trying to figure out how I can add exercise to that routine, but I don't care for exercise.
I could get used to this, but I'll have to try out some ideas to get to the self-sustaining part. In the meantime, I hope this gig that I want comes through.
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