Cold pissy day

posted by Jeff | Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 9:11 PM | comments: 0

This was one really pissy day. It was dark and rainy all day, and I really let it mess with my mood. Then I was asked to investigate a problem with some previously developed software that was sub-optimal to say the least, while just trying to get my computer in a usable state (small companies don't have IT departments to do that stuff for you). So in addition to the weather, I couldn't do much to advance the big picture things about the new gig that excite me.

It felt like things continued to be crappy at home, when I was having Wi-Fi problems. I hoped to work on my projects, but I wasn't motivated for that. And with the weather, hot tubbing is out of the question. Oh, and where is my f'ing Xbox?

Yeah, I'm a whiny bitch today, but whatever. I know my "issues" today don't mean shit in the big picture, but sometimes you just need to whine and get it over with. I feel a little better now.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the heat ceased to work on the bottom floor at work.


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