Right now would normally be the time that I'm posting a Playbill selfie of me and Diana at a show. Unfortunately, I've been sick for three days, so she went with a coworker. It started out Sunday night with a sore throat, then turned into what I imagine is a sinus infection. Yesterday, my head felt like a brick. Not a lot of sleeping going on, so by today, I was just fried. I slept four hours during the day.
In the last two days I optimistically thought I could work, but didn't last long. Today I just gave up and slept, which is probably what I needed. This has been a thing with me for most of my adulthood. I don't allow myself to just be sick. I don't know why. Part of it is that I have some important work to do this week, sure, but I'm sure it's related to my sentiment that I should be creating things all of the time.
Time is awfully important.
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