DDR... again

posted by Jeff | Monday, December 5, 2005, 11:36 PM | comments: 4

I picked up DDR Ultramix 3 for Xbox yesterday because I figured a new mix would get me playing again. It's really different... lots of popular music on it, and more new songs. It's about time they did one that wasn't the same shit I've heard a thousand times. Played about a dozen or so songs, and so far I like it. It even has the all-time most pussyish DDR song, Butterfly. :)

I never thought that three years ago, when Kara got me on that damn machine, that I'd still be playing it today, and would spend so much money on it. Between all of the different versions and the many pads, not to mention the PS2 I bought for the purpose of playing the game, I've spent upwards of $600 on it. (And don't even go there about how I could've stolen all the songs and played it on a PC!)

Looks like my volleyball kids killed my favorite pad when I loaned it to them, so I guess I need to buy yet another one.



December 6, 2005, 6:08 AM #


And, FYI, it's not stealing. StepMania is free and absolutely legal to download thank you very much!


December 6, 2005, 1:09 PM #

Think about how much money you would have spent on a health clunb membership or aerobic classes in that three year span.

To me, the money I spent, and will be spending this Christmas for a PS2, games and pads to replace what Ian has taken off to A2, is well worth the benefits of having DDR for exercise.

Tiger of PTS

December 6, 2005, 6:33 PM #

I can't believe how big of a flaming fucking faggot you are.


December 6, 2005, 8:20 PM #

I'm impressed that you post from an EA IP (, but not impressed with your white trash language. Get a life.

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