What is the deal with PC's and power supplies dying after a few years? The PSU in my DVR computer fizzled out today after about four years of continuous use. I was coming downstairs when I noticed the power light was flickering. The room was so quiet!
I ordered another from Amazon and paid the $3.99 next day shipping (we're Prime again), so it should be here Monday. I hope it didn't fry anything else in the comprooder, because I don't want to replace anything else. It might be four years old, but it's perfectly adequate for even HD DVR-ing.
I've got a whole lot of Venture Bros. on there to watch!
Either you have especially bad luck or we have especially good luck. I don't think we've ever lost a power supply on any of our Dells. Maybe on one that was 8 years old (was Gordon's, then mine, then Ian's).
Gordon's PC's get continuous use and I'm actually surprised all of our PC's seem to run forever with the occasional hard drive failure. I tried to give one away last year but it was so old, no one wanted it.