Emotional batteries

posted by Jeff | Sunday, August 21, 2005, 1:01 AM | comments: 2

My counselor says that people have emotional batteries that are often depleted then need to be recharged so they can function again.

Either my battery is constantly being discharged or my charger is broken...



August 21, 2005, 2:40 PM #

I've mentioned before knowing when my emotional energy is down and needs to be recharged. I also know what I need, or can do to recharge. Of course, spending a day riding coasters helps a great deal, or gardening or doing something creative. Hell, just sitting in the sunshine with my eyes closed and taking in the warmth can help.

Considering your work and volleyball activities taking up all your time (although you love the volleyball), it doesn't appear you are taking that much time to recharge.

I'd go into some of the natural, spiritual ways that help me, but you'd probably laugh and blow it off. Most people do.


August 21, 2005, 5:07 PM #

Jeff doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would be rude about stuff like that.

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