Everyone needs a day, but then there is Simon's mom

posted by Jeff | Sunday, May 10, 2015, 11:12 PM | comments: 0

I'm not going to lie... I kind of loathe what I call "greeting card" holidays. Valentine's Day, Sweetest Day, Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day, even Software Developers' Day (for real, it's September 13). I guess some part of me finds it ridiculous that everyone has to have a day to feel special for one reason or another. I try to make a very small number of people understand on a regular basis that they're special to me, not the least of which is my wife and mother of my child. I don't know if I'm entirely successful in this, but I try.

Mind you, I'm also aware that this way of operating may not be compatible with everyone, as some people certainly seek and even expect recognition on whatever their special days is. See, I did learn some things from previous relationships! (I'm also thankful that a lot of poor dating decisions didn't lead to bigger things during the very concentrated time of dating in between the big relationships.)

Even more to the point, I think Diana goes well beyond what many moms do in caring for our little guy. I love Simon with every fiber of my being, but I know we frequently have to walk away and let the other parent take over. I may have many opinions about what he needs, but Diana is the one who does the work to understand what the options are.

My hope this weekend wasn't to have some grand gestures, but at least some solid family time. We did get some of that, with mini-golf on Saturday to start. He's really into that suddenly (but we certainly can't afford to do it at Disney or the touristy themed courses frequently... it's expensive!). On Sunday, Diana scored some free tickets for Dinosaur Train at the Dr. Phillips Center, so Simon finally got to see a show in the lovely theater where Mom works. We hoped for a great lunch, but had to settle for Jimmy John's after our target restaurant failed to be open at the time their website indicated. Diana got to sleep in one morning, and me and the boy put together a new cat tree.

As I said, I hope I remind her enough regularly that she's the best mother ever, because I know there are days that any parent feels like they suck at life. Hopefully this weekend helped too.


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