I figured out why I feel like I'm dragging ass lately (aside from the two weeks of allergy drug-induced stupidity). There are lots of things that are just kind of bogging me down.
The biggest of these is paperwork of various sorts. I think I might finally have that one taken care of. Contracts, BeastBuzz registrations, bank statements, loan stuff (yeah, I got one I'm happy with... more on that later), unopened mail, etc. I don't know how I get so behind on it all, but it's like I look at my desk one day, and there it is. That might be in part because I don't spend a lot of time at my desk anymore, because I <3 my MacBook Pro.
The other thing is work, which is not stimulating me right now, and it feels like I'm living a mundane existence every minute I'm there. When the sun is shining and there are a dozen different things I can think of that I'd like to be doing, it's not a good feeling. Then when I finally get home, I don't feel like doing any of those other things, because work sucked the passion right out of me. I need to make an adjustment on this soon.
I know that part of my problem is that I suck at time management, because I like to use time to screw around, be social, play video games, etc. Man do I need to figure out that next great idea so I can sit around and collect (more of) the money!
You are failing to follow your stated philosophy of life..... using the excuse of poor time management is a nonsense. Meet the work obligations you may have made, but focus on the dreams that you have ... refocus on what YOU desire to do and simply do what you must do and go on.
Every Day should have a part of the day that is Yours only. That is when you take whatever babystep or giant step toward the dream you can ... and if you decide to screw around, be social or whatever, you know the dream is still there and waiting for you the next day.
Money is just a way of keeping score for those that care about things or providing the means to fund the dream when required .... I believe only the second applies to you