Gay marriage ban vs. domestic violence

posted by Jeff | Friday, December 23, 2005, 5:40 PM | comments: 2

I love this. A clever lawyer challenged domestic violence charges in Ohio for gay-on-gay relationship crime because we have an asinine amendment here that bans gay marriage. Domestic violence is however defined as being between married people. It's going to the state supreme court now, and I don't see how the charges can hold. You can't be told that you can't be married or enjoy the benefits of it, but then be charged with a marriage crime.

Ohio is so stupid. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to live here.


December 24, 2005, 2:15 AM #

Are you sure the DV law is for married couples only? Some states all you have to do is either live together, have children in common, or both.


December 24, 2005, 2:28 AM #

Well I'm assuming it is or it wouldn't be going to the state's high court.

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