My Zyrtec coma finally started to break after lunch, and I made my best effort to settle in and do some code work. Surprising myself, I stuck with it throughout the afternoon and in the evening, and I felt like I got a lot done.
On the agenda was the "simple" blogging app. This is still my first project using the MVC framework, so I don't have a serious rhythm for it. But I did get a lot of features done in a relatively short period of time, and I feel accomplished.
This particular app is largely the basis for the book, which I'm still feeling rather overwhelmed about, and I'm questioning over and over if it's the best use of my time. To follow up on my previous comments about setting an agenda, I've sketched out the various projects and products I've got in my head, partially finished or way out there, along with ideas about potential audience, revenue and effort for each. When I look at all of that, I'm not sure where I place the book.
Future questions aside, I'm really happy with the progress. As it comes into a truly usable state, I want to migrate this blog into it, and then do Diana's.
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