House call

posted by Jeff | Sunday, August 2, 2009, 12:57 AM | comments: 0

We went to Diana's house today to do some touching up and to kill the shit growing in the basement. It ranks up there as one of the things I want least to be doing, but the house goes back on the market on Monday. This realtor doesn't seem to suck the way the previous one did, even if it does mean they're being honest about what they think it will sell for.

The house represents a great deal of anxiety for me. If I were working full time, I'd worry about it less, as I know we're going to take a loss on it. I'm just not confident that we'll be able to pay for that loss. While we both have excellent credit, I'm not particularly confident that there's any way I can use the equity in my house either, given the crappy credit market.

We're probably a strange married couple, because we don't even have a joint bank account. I think part of the reason is that we don't really have any expenses that are "ours" yet. We both have our own mortgages and utilities, our own credit cards, our own investment accounts, etc. We tend to share the costs of groceries and eating out, but that's pretty much where it ends. There aren't any trust issues or anything of that nature, but given our different anal-retentive ways we track our finances, this is probably for the best for the time being. It removes added stress too, because we don't have to worry about the considerations of each other, drawing from a common pool. Again, it'll be easier with one house.

We're both fairly anxious to get out of this house too. It's not that it's a bad house, but it doesn't feel like "our" house. While I have a thousand good memories here (if these walls could talk), I just feel like I'm ready to close out a portion of my life and get on with the next. The house is symbolic of the old life. That's all very weird to think about, because ten years ago I had no desire to up and move anywhere. Funny what the whole divorce-therapy-dating-remarriage cycle can do to you in that respect.

In any case, I'm trying to be positive about Diana's house, and she has to be too, because it's the only thing we can do.


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