Hulk... not bad

posted by Jeff | Friday, June 13, 2008, 9:12 PM | comments: 2

I'm not sure what Ed Norton was pissing and moaning about regarding The Incredible Hulk, but honestly it wasn't bad. It was certainly better than the first, and I say that because I don't remember the first one at all. Granted, I'd probably watch anything with Liv Tyler in it, so what do I know.

Fun things... They used the sad walking out of town music from the TV show. Lou Ferrigno had a cameo, and IMDB says he was the voice of the Hulk. There is way too much of Ed Norton and Tim Roth without a shirt. There's an Ironman tie-in I'm not clear about other than Robert Downey Jr. makes an appearance at the end. Now that Marvel is its own studio, it's about time they start exploring some cross-overs as they did in the comics.


June 14, 2008, 6:33 AM #

The appearance is because there is an Avengers movie planned for 2011.

Not quite Anonymous Stalker

June 17, 2008, 1:05 PM #

Also, a lot of the military hardware used is from Stark Industries, and there are a couple of other more geeky references too, I think, regarding the weapons program and Stark Ind.

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