I feel so disconnected

posted by Jeff | Friday, March 14, 2008, 8:47 PM | comments: 0

This week has been mostly a waste. And what's really strange is that what little I feel accomplished about concerns work. Usually when I feel crappy, my day job is the last thing on my mind.

I didn't touch CoasterBuzz all week. If I weren't blogging, I'm not sure I'd know the server was up. While I did work from home, I didn't go into the office at all. I haven't driven my car in almost two weeks. This sickness has been pretty awful in every way. I suppose I can't complain too much because I know it's all temporary, but it has really sucked and I feel like bitching about it.

The sinus infection is gone, I'm pretty sure, but now I'm dealing with ridiculous chest congestion. I was up all night coughing to the point where my abs hurt this morning. I just want this to fucking be done so I can engage the world again. Being stir crazy when you can't get vertical is shitty.

Mix was an inspiring experience, and instead of getting to ride that wave, I'm wallowing in a puddle of my own piss. (That's a metaphor, by the way... I am in fact urinating in the toilets.) I guess what most annoys me in retrospect is that the post-conference part of my trip, the part where Diana and I were on vacation together, got turned into crap when I started seeing aliens. The part where it kept getting worse most of the week wasn't good either.

OK, I think I'm about done. I just feel like I need to get this toxicity out of me.


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