I'm not your tech support, get a Mac

posted by Jeff | Friday, August 31, 2007, 11:29 AM | comments: 1

Given the recent number of Mac converts in the circle of people I know, there has been an overwhelming, and somewhat unexpected pattern. Those who have Macs no longer spend time supporting the computers for their less technical spouses and family members. They deliver on the "it just works" promise. That's pretty powerful.

I still blame part of it, or most of it, on PC manufacturers and Microsoft. When I deleted the junk off of Diana's Dell, a lot of it she wouldn't even know was there, or whether or not it was vital (see: Norton anything) because there's so much headline-induced fear about the dangers of using a computer. You almost have to be a geek to know the real dirt.

But that's just not the case for a Mac. Buy it, turn it on, start doing stuff. That's beautiful.

Now excuse me, I have Kool-Aid® to drink with my two Macs, two iPods, Apple TV and iPhone. :)



August 31, 2007, 3:34 PM #

It's so true!

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