I'm at the point in life where I've decided that I don't need to hide my attributes that some may consider weird. It's exhausting.
Because the only protein I really eat is chicken and turkey, no red meat in 20 years. Sometimes programming is fun. I wear shorts when it's cold. I have a lighting truss in my office and I'm learning to program light shows. I could eat Chipotle every day (brown rice, chicken, hot salsa, cheese). I'm not very nostalgic about the music I liked in high school. I hate the texture of my own body hair. I've had a pierced nipple for 20 years (the other one migrated out). When I can't sleep, I hold my breath and try to contract every muscle in my body at the same time. I think Sara Bareilles has an attractive nose. I'm triggered by people who don't understand basic civics. I don't own a suit. I've hit 100% achievements on at least eight Xbox games.
But there are a lot of ways that I'm not weird.
I generally care about the welfare of others. Children shouldn't be hungry because they lost the birth lottery. The scientific method isn't that complicated. Things that make me uncomfortable aren't any less real. I don't care what religion people follow, as long as they don't use it to harm others. I think we have a long way to go to correct racism. I know that, objectively, immigration boosts GDP and the economy. I understand basic economics, like supply and demand and how commodities are priced. I think government should stay out of healthcare decisions, even if it pays for the healthcare. Trans people are real humans, and deserve the same dignity as everyone else. People can decide for themselves (and their own children) what kind of art is appropriate for them to consume. People who plead guilty to violent crime should not be pardoned. Voting should always be easy. I believe critical thinking makes it obvious that scientists and experts are better qualified to assess their areas than I am.
Weird can be fine. It's the "normal" that is broken.
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