Inspiration in print

posted by Jeff | Thursday, May 28, 2009, 1:43 AM | comments: 1

I still subscribe to two magazines: Wired and Fast Company. I fancy myself as a little of both.

The big thing I get out of these rags is inspiration. I spend a lot of time, probably too much, trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing with my professional life, and feel like I never get any closer to answering my own questions. But reading about the success that other people have, in trying new things and sometimes just stumbling into the "right" thing, makes me happy.

There was a time where I could always see myself doing something in the future, regardless of my inner feelings about whether or not I actually would do that thing. These days, I'm grappling with, and accepting, the idea that it's very unlikely I'll ever know anything about what I'll be doing even a few years from now. (There's a certain peace that comes from that.) But the thing that the magazines do for me is remind me of the nearly limitless possibility.



May 28, 2009, 9:33 PM #

The possibilities are indeed limitless ... it is not too late for those adventures. If you can see it, why not do it?

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