I haven't been writing much code in my world lately, but I sure have been reading a lot about new platforms. I'm really digging into ASP.NET MVC lately, because there's strong potential for its use at work, and I can see some good uses for it for myself as well (like when I shut down CampusFish and move my shit somewhere else). I'm trying not to think about all of the things I should be doing (like the Dis site).
I've backed off from Silverlight stuff, but it's still on my mind. I used it in the forum plug-in module I built, which is like 90%. I may put it up to CoasterBuzz for club members to play with soon. I really need to get it out there.
Work has also been pushing me to look at optimization and ways to code ourselves out of a jam. Lots of critical thinking on architecture. Every day of that makes me better at what I do.
But I still have the strong urge to ship something.
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