I saw on CNN today that 75% of fathers surveyed say that having a child made them realize what was really important in life. A full 97% said they'd do it again. That's amazing to me. I can't think of anything in life that people are so sure of.
The ROI, although not monetary, but emotionally, is what makes it all worth it. Seeing a small, helpless lifeform grow into adulthood helps parents see the world in a whole new way, and helps them remember their own joys of childhood...something we tend to forget the older we get.
If it wasn't for RedWife's family history of birth defects (of which Katie has none) we'd try again in a minute. Unfortunately with her family history, we have a 1 in 3 chance of having a baby with severe birth defects (we were originally told it was a marginally better 1/5 chance). So, no we won't have a second...