It's not one or the other

posted by Jeff | Saturday, August 29, 2009, 11:25 AM | comments: 0

They keep showing Devil Wears Prada on cable, and it occurs to me that the premise of the movie (however fabulous Anne Hathaway appears) annoys me. She basically has to choose between her career and her social life.

That's complete bullshit. Where does culture get off suggesting that everything is a zero-sum, binary condition? With a baby on the way, obviously life balance is something on my mind, and it annoys me when people suggest everything is one or the other when it comes to how you conduct your life. If you think that from experience, then I'm sorry for your loss. The happiest people I know do a pretty job balancing family, friends and career, and as far as I'm concerned, that's the model I'd rather follow.


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