Latest in the Apple cult

posted by Jeff | Monday, September 10, 2007, 11:12 PM | comments: 0

I was chatting with Julie today about iPods, because her mom is granting her one as a graduation gift (she's done in December). So she asks me why you'd buy the iPod Touch if the phone is just a hundred bucks more. And I said, well, it's an extra hundred bucks, and maybe you don't need the phone. She made it really complicated!

Then there was that discussion in the aisle again today about how the various geeks don't have to support various family members who have Macs, because, you know, we hate being tech support. Even the guy who tends to mentor me on various projects is coming around to the simplicity of the platform, despite feeling it was "dumbed down." He's finally getting that it's not dumbed down, it's just simple, the way it should be.

My MacBook Pro continues to behave. No sudden death at all.

The $100 credit for my iPhone is already burning a hole in my pocket, and last I checked they haven't even said how to claim it yet.

I ripped a couple of DVD's from Netflix that have been sitting on my desk for two weeks, and I'm pleased to see that the newer version of Handbrake rips at warp speed, using 375% of available CPU power. That's awesome.

And oh yeah, I remembered that the real song called "Photograph" in my library was by Def Leppard, not Nickelback. :)


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