Lego Star Wars on DS not as cool as Lego Indy on 360

posted by Jeff | Sunday, August 10, 2008, 9:49 PM | comments: 0

I finished playing through all six episodes of Lego Star Wars on the DS, and I don't think I'm going to go back and find all of the stuff the way I did in Lego Indiana Jones on the Xbox 360. I find the DS format for the game too hard to deal with.

First there are the screen issues. It's small, low resolution, and the detail level is not very high. It's hard to find stuff and see where the hidden things might be. Combine that with the fact that it's already hard to see in daylight. The Xbox 360 version looks so good by comparison, in part because Lego blocks are easy to render for the hardware, but also because of the reflections, lighting and plastic look. It seems to run a full 60 frames per second too.

Then there's the seemingly random use of the dual screen or touch screen. The human field of view is horizontal, and it's hard to look up and down. All of the flying levels do that, and worse, stuff gets lost between the screens so you can't even see it. Then they'll toss out some random instructions that you can totally miss. Or they have completely random touch screen things, like having to draw circles around an AT-AT when you're trying to bring it down on Hoth.

Then there's the issue of not having the object detection extras present in the other versions. Finding the minikits or red blocks is a pain in the ass, and there are no items to help you in the DS version. That makes it a lot less fun. Boo.

So I think I'm gonna trade mine in for the Xbox 360 version. That way, when Diana gets 100% on Indy, she'll have something new to keep her from knitting, cooking and the other things she enjoys. :)


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