It's hard to strip away all of life's bullshit from time to time to get to the core of what things are really about. People who thrive on chaos and generating bullshit make it even harder.
Makes the action plan pretty obvious, I think.
Last week during a make-up class for gymnastics, little A was bullied by another little girl who also was taking the class as a make- up (her class is on Thursdays). Our little tough cookie was truly shaken by this kid who told her "she didn't know how to do anything." After class, I told her that Bullyette must have been pretty unhappy to be picking on A to make herself feel better. I explained that the best way to put a bully in its place is just to ignore it. When you don't respond to the bullying, or the chaos, or whatever the instigation is, it takes the fun out of it for the instigator and eventually they pick on someone or something else. Easier said than done whether you're eight or 48, but I think she got it. If only I could take my own advice!