I just finished stuffing, sealing and stamping a promotional mailing to some businesses that server the audience of one of my sites. The fun part is that doing a mail merge and using windowed envelopes made it a breeze, and the color laser printer has shown that it was a good investment. Now I just need the paper cuts to heal!
It kind of feels good to do dumb shit like stuff envelopes for your own business. I don't know if it'll generate any serious revenue (a grand would be nice), but at least I'm thinking. It's not that I can't successfully live off of my own business, it's that I don't have much of a business plan. I keep waiting for the next thing to happen or for ad revenue to pick-up. That's no way to grow the business.
Granted, I'm distracted by some bigger picture things, like trying to get another book proposal sold and leading my kids to a successful season. It's just a pain that the things that really feed my soul aren't big revenue generators.
But who knows... maybe an idea for The Next Big Thing will come to me tomorrow?