I was talking with one of the guys at work who is also a photo nut, and told him of my lust for the new gear, but overwhelming preemptive purchase regret I was feeling over just thinking of buying it.
So he laid it out for me. He asked several rational questions... Would it cause financial hardship? No. What opportunities will you have to use it? Many in the next seven weeks, plus summer trips, plus Italy in the fall. Are you a grown-up? Yes. Will you record memories in a way that you couldn't before? Yes. OK, so I see his point.
I pulled the trigger.
So it sets me back a month. I can deal with that. I still can't help feeling guilty for buying nice things for myself. I wish I knew where that feeling came from (though I have a pretty good idea). But whatever, I'm going to enjoy using it. I've been putting it off for more than two years.
We live only once, enjoy your life. You have a sound grasp of finance and it doesn't seem you live beyond your means. What is their to feel guilty about? Besides, you share your images, so that others enjoy the result as much as you enjoy the hunt ..... I see nothing wrong here.
I think I know where your feeling about buying things for yourself came from. *wink*
But your co-worker is right. If you can afford it and have several reasons for taking advantage of the purchase (especially your trip to Italy!), then why not??
Even if the cost sets you back a month, it will be well worth it in the end.