Just before the Olympics, my sleep cycle started to normalize a little, and I was going to bed in more of a 12:30 time frame. Honestly I'm not sure it matters, and I know Diana insists it doesn't, but I have this programming that says I'm supposed to go to bed with her at the same time or else. Silly, right? That, and she goes to bed usually around 10:30 on school nights.
But man I am a productive guy as the hours get late. There's something about those last few hours that make it easy for me to get things done. Last night's science project was a perfect example, and I was surprised to get up this morning before the alarm, six hours later, with enthusiasm for what I was doing.
Granted, this kind of thing does come in spurts. I can't do it for days on end. Eventually I have to mix it up and do some reading or gaming or whatever. (I should probably try exercise.) I feel like I neglect other aspects of my life, and Diana, when I get into that mode. Of course she insists that's not the case, but again, I've got some wiring issues.
Today I've changed my focus to design issues, where I'm trying to wake up the creative part of me that was far more obvious when I worked in broadcast, or when I was a kid. It's a challenge because I'm very emulative, and struggle to identify my own voice. Once I get to a somewhat happy place there, I'll finish up some of the lint on my issues list for code.
And I thank the recent rash of CoasterBuzz Club membership orders. That certainly keeps me motivated!