After almost seven months of non-house selling, I kicked my former agent to the curb. She was a non-producer whose only thinking was, "Drop the price." To not get even an offer in that amount of time was pretty ridiculous, even if it was a low-ball, no-way offer. I don't think she was really "selling" the house as much as she was doing passive marketing. Heck, one of the volleyball moms from high school (who coincidentally is cousins with Timmay) was watching for advertisements of open houses and didn't see any.
Fortunately, this new guy, who sold my friend Shari's condo when she moved to the Carolinas, seems to be more of a go-getter, and he thinks the price is fine and the house is great. Will the result be better? Who knows, but I feel at least more optimistic just from his tone.
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