Out, together

posted by Jeff | Friday, July 9, 2010, 9:49 PM | comments: 0

Just as the day was winding down at work, my office-mate, Aaron, asked if we wanted to meet him and his family for dinner. It just so happened that Simon achieved an unusually high level of napping today (perhaps because of the shots yesterday), so I nervously agreed, not sure what to expect.

So we got out of the house together, and despite being embarrassingly late due to a spit-up incident that involved Diana's clothes, actually had dinner with non-relatives. That's a first for us. I'm glad Aaron suggested it, and it's about time the wives met each other after this long.

Simon had a few urges to melt down, but didn't. It was funny to see him watch Aaron's kids (7 and 5) so closely. He slept on the way home, had a bottle, and many giggles when I changed him (have I mentioned this is about my favorite time with him?). He wanted nothing to do with staying up after that, but it was closing in on 8 by the time he went down. That has to be some kind of record. Hoping for good sleep tonight, and later rising, with any luck.

Simon is starting to consistently react positively to me coming home, which as you can imagine is about the neatest feeling in the world. As soon as I start to talk to him, he gets excited and smiles with his two tiny teeth. It's the cutest thing ever. It's also a huge relief, because I worry a lot that he doesn't bond with me much since I'm gone during the day. Now I can confidently say that he knows who I am.

As for getting out together, I think that's going to continue to get easier as he gets into a sleep routine. Part of it is that he isn't quite able to sleep just anywhere, anytime. As Joe put it when he watched him on my birthday, "The kid can't sleep unless everything is perfect!" So true. He needs to be tightly swaddled in the Miracle Blanket, binky in the mouth and sometimes even white noise is required. And no way will he sleep next to us on the couch or in our arms the way he used to. But he's going back to being more flexible, if slowly.


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