I decided to buckle down and write some code tonight, so I fired up Pandora on the DVR machine.
Here's the thing, it doesn't really handle diversity well. So for example, if I input Armin van Buuren, Joss Stone and Nine Inch Nails, it tends to center on one particular genre. For example, I also put in Kelly Clarkson as a seed, and it served a dance remix of one of her songs. It gets into techno ruts, which isn't cool. You can actually create "stations" on the service, which I should probably do. But it'd be nice if it could then switch them now and then.
On a positive note, I heard a KMFDM song from one of the newer albums that I don't own. I don't dislike KMFDM, but I guess I got bored with them.
What I find odd is that it's also picking songs that people I know like, but I'm indifferent about. I've heard two or three songs that I know Stephanie likes. Then it picked a pussy college rock song that I know Kara likes. Perhaps I could make the argument that music is somehow an indicator to the people I can be friends with by some subconscious means. Weird.