Passing on your worst traits

posted by Jeff | Sunday, February 8, 2015, 8:41 PM | comments: 0

While the evidence isn't conclusive, it is theorized that autism is at least in part a genetic thing. But honestly, it's some of the personality traits that he picks up that worry me more. I suppose they could also be somewhat genetic, but more likely he gets some things from observation. Of me.

Let's take impatience, for example. I am not very patient. I've become a lot better about letting things go that aren't in my control (like traffic or long lines for retail), but some things still get to me (politicians, the willfully ignorant). I'm not proud of this, but patience with Simon is not something I'm super at either. My first and only attempt at getting him to ride a two-wheel bike, to move on from the tricycle, ended poorly.

I see him get the same way at times. If his clothes get inside out, sometimes he doesn't even attempt to right them before putting them on. Now, on one hand, the kid has the kind of spacial perception that blows my mind, especially when it comes to navigation. Similarly, he seems to follow Lego instructions pretty well, with help. On the other hand, it's possible that his dyspraxia makes turning the clothes difficult. Regardless, he doesn't even try, and his impatience make me impatient. It's a crappy circle.

I think he'll get over that with time, and a lot of encouragement, but his disregard for things he's not interested in... boredom... is an issue. I was an overachiever in school until I got to high school. I got bored with it, and no one challenged me. When I did finally get to challenging stuff in my last two years, I felt like I didn't need it. I was bored with it. My ACT scores, which put me in the top 4% nationally (and top 2% in science) largely confirmed that my issue was not intelligence. I see Simon do this already. I catch him not doing things because he just isn't interested and he doesn't feel like he should have to do them. School is going to be a struggle if we can't turn that around.

There's little doubt that I overthink this stuff, but when I look at the things that I don't like about myself, I can very easily trace them to things I learned from my family. A little self-awareness never hurts. And hey, to his credit, he hasn't taken up dropping F-bombs yet, despite my own habit, so there's a minor parenting win.


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