PDA misery

posted by Jeff | Monday, January 30, 2006, 10:40 PM | comments: 5

My ancient Palm V is flaking out worse and worse by the day. It's closing in on being seven years old. Sigh. I'm annoyed. Now that I'm working again, I need that kind of organization in my life.

If you read this blog, you know I'm a gadget and technology junkie. I love the toys. But this is the one thing I really have no lust for. I don't want to spend money on a new PDA because it's just about as exciting as a pad of paper to me. Sure, I have two iPods, lots of video games and computer junk, but this is just one thing I feel is so utilitarian.

Sigh. I wish those iPaqs and Axioms were cheaper.



January 31, 2006, 4:13 AM #

You know, Verizon has a couple Windows Mobile 5 devices (you being a Windows developer and all) where you can converge your phone & pda into one. The 6700 (like mine) and the Treo 700w. Then again, you'll be thrusted in major geek-dom with the brick hanging off your belt.


January 31, 2006, 4:50 AM #

Yeah... phones are not fashion accessories. :) That's why mine lives in my pocket most of the time and not on my belt!


January 31, 2006, 5:25 AM #

You could always put it in a fanny pack. ;)


January 31, 2006, 2:34 PM #

I have been using <a href="http://www.backpackit.com/">Backpack</a>, Gmail for all my email accounts, and <a href="https://www.foldershare.com/">Foldershare</a> to sync active jobs between desktop and laptop and have been incredibly stress free lately.

Just being able to toss something into backpack to remember later gets it out of my head so I can focus on whats current.

Ever read <a href="http://www.43folders.com/">43 Folders</a>?

J-Pizzie Lifestyle

February 12, 2006, 12:00 AM #

Another gadget crapping out

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