Plague update

posted by Jeff | Saturday, December 27, 2008, 11:51 PM | comments: 0

So as it turns out, Diana's sudden illness was not an isolated case. Her aunt in Toledo was yacking much of this morning. My adorable little niece was too, poor thing. Sam Sr. was complaining about aches this morning, and by the time he returned around 8, went straight to bed.

Diana's temperature is something approaching normal, but she's still got the sub-optimal waste processing. Late tonight she at least resembled human again, but slept most of the day. We watched Lebowski together, and I made her some soup.

I'm crossing my fingers that I've escaped unharmed. This morning I cleaned out and refilled the hot tub, and while cool, the fresh air was awesome. Then tonight we squeaked in a new record high at 65. It felt so good to breathe the outside air. I feel exceptionally good. I hope it lasts.

Incidentally, I wonder if they all ate something bad in Toledo, but I can't imagine it would take that long to make them sick. I don't think it would've been anything they made yesterday either, because Kathy in Toledo obviously didn't have any of it. Hopefully everyone will feel better in the morning.


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