I finally hit that milestone... You can download POP Forums.
Granted, I'm calling it a beta, but it has been in use now since November on PointBuzz. During that time I've found and fixed a great many bugs, but for the most part it has been stable and sexy.
This is a journey that began in 2004. No joke. The alphas, then betas, for Visual Studio 2005, and therefore .NET v2.0, were coming on a fairly regular basis, and I was on the NDA list at Microsoft so I could get stuff as it was built. I couldn't really write the book without that arrangement.
Once the book was done and released in early 2005, well, life got really fucked up all of a sudden. 2006 brought some streaks of stability, but not any real work, save for productivity stream around Christmas. Finally in the second half of 2007, I started to get into it again, and made meaningful progress. Had Walt not done a new design for PointBuzz, who knows how motivated I would've been.
But there it is, and I'm charging for it. Whether or not anyone buys, well, who knows. Selling it was always gravy back in the day, but it was a couple hundred bucks of gravy every month. Who doesn't like a little gravy on their taters?
I think I'll feel best when I feel like it's really "done" and commercial grade. That'll be a sweet day.