This morning I finally got around to rotating my tires. That was a mistake. Waiting I mean. As expected, the rear wheels were pretty stuck after 25k miles. I can't believe just how much I sweat I created trying to get those damn things off. Wow was I gross.
This is why I can't have nice cars I think. Back when I got my first car, it represented the opportunity to be free to travel. Now cars are just something that get me between points. I just don't take care of them.
I have to wonder, if I actually spent more money on a nice car, would I take care of it better? Hard to say. My opinion on taking care of things has changed a great deal the last few months, but I don't know if that applies to cars.
Gordon was always very hard on his cars until he got his F150 Lightning. Then he turned into a maniac cleaning, waxing, polishing it continuously.
Now? Although he's still good about getting the oil changed regularly, everything else kinda slides.
I, on the other hand, take care of mine specifically because I want it to last longer. Not to mention it's actually cheaper, in the long run, to keep up with maintenance.
My dad and I were working on my car two weekends ago. He used his big air compressor, a Xmas present, and the impact wrench he got from a buddy a few years back. They worked like a charm, and they were much better than a tire iron or breaker bar and socket. Hopefully this means we will start rotating the tires more. Those jack stands I got him two Christmases ago should come in handy as well.