Royal Pacific updates

posted by Jeff | Thursday, November 15, 2007, 10:30 AM | comments: 0

I'm here in the club level lounge for a couple of minutes before I head down for lunch then over to the show, and thought I'd continue the thought I had last night.

I've done a fair amount of bitching about the declining quality of the Royal Pacific Resort at Universal, especially with regards to quality of service. They seem to be raising their game a bit with the refurbishment of the rooms.

They aren't that different in terms of decor, and they're not putting in flat screens or anything, but they're going with lighter paint and fabric colors. The difference is astonishing. They used this maroon color before that really darkened the room, but it looks much better lighter. The new light fixtures actually put out a fair amount of light too. Even the hallways look better, including new carpet.

People everywhere, from the front desk to the maids, are always in your grill asking if you need something. It just seems like they finally get that it's the only way to score that four-diamond rating again.

The club lounge isn't that impressive, but it's the only free Internet connection in the building. But the free sodas, continental breakfast, free beer and deserts do kick ass. I don't think I'd pay for it (I got a free upgrade for previous bitching), but it's very convenient.

I can't wait to get Diana in here!


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