Salty, and stimulated

posted by Jeff | Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 12:25 AM | comments: 1

I was really salty today after I got home, and not for any particularly good reason. I busted ass at work today (by the time this project is done I will have touched literally hundreds of files), more focused than I can ever remember being. It's not hard work, just time consuming, but I stayed remarkably on task.

When I got home, I started to be annoyed by something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I think it was that the f'ing Schwan guy was getting here so damn late. But what bothers me is that I was snapping at Diana over the dumbest shit, and of course given her personality she apologizes for provoking me, which is silly.

I was so relaxed all weekend, and now I'm all tweaked up and a little stressed out. I can attribute this to several things. The general theme though is that I'm beginning to intensely care about stuff again, the way I used to when I was just out of college. Life's possibilities and unfolding experiences are intense.

The funny thing is, they've been pretty intense for about three years now. I've had big job changes, epic romance (several times!), financial events and a whole lot of travel. When I look through my photos from these last three years, I'm overwhelmed.

So while the intensity of the ride is high, I need to blow off some steam. I guess I really haven't had any steam to blow off in a very long time!



May 28, 2008, 12:50 PM #

I so hear that.

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