With the nice weather and all, Diana wanted to get Simon out to the pool. Honestly, because they were having some kind of resident appreciation nonsense or something, and many of the neighborhood kids annoy me, I had no desire to go up there. I just wasn't feeling like myself. But you know, I gotta be there for the moments!
We got him all lubed up with sunscreen and swimmies, and took him to the pool. He wasn't sure what to make of it. He was so overwhelmed by the giant beach balls, the bright sun and the kids running around. I took the first steps into the water, and he surprisingly did not lift his legs up. Diana came in and took over, sitting on the steps and having him stand waist deep. No protest, and really no reaction at all. Until some jackass kid started splashing all over, which caused some crying. (The same kid greeted Diana to the pool by trying to squirt her in the face with a squirt gun. See previous comment about asshole kids.)
But overall, he did a really good job of just taking it in and soaking up the experience of it all. That's the thing that I find so fascinating about him lately, is that you can see him observing and working things out in his head. I'm not suggesting that he's unique or anything, but it's the first time I've ever seen it happen up close. I've been fascinated to watch his cousin Nina do "smart stuff" that seems ahead of schedule too, like do shapes and colors on Joe's iPhone. Considering how fragile and helpless they are when they're born, it's so neat to see.
I'm glad Diana helped me overcome my lack of motivation today. :)
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