Simon's hard day

posted by Jeff | Sunday, November 28, 2010, 11:36 PM | comments: 0

Simon had arguably one of his worst teething days today. The poor kid was just miserable. When the doctor told us he was working on a molar more than a month ago, we figured another week and he'd be good. The fine print is that it's not like the other teeth, and they take much longer. Plus there are swollen and purple gums.

He has been showing signs of irritation on and off for the last week or two, but today there wasn't much you could do to help him out other than hold him. His naps were super short, he wanted to be held constantly (not that we mind he wants to cuddle!) and he was tugging on his ears. The pain meds and gel only did so much to keep him comfortable. Then while I was wasting my time at that tryout tonight, he yacked in his crib, and then on Diana. We don't think he was sick, it was likely just from the intense crying and mucus associated with it. Poor little guy (and poor Diana!).

Just before I got home, Diana had him in the bath and in fresh clothes, and while still quite tired out of his mind, he seemed to at least be comfortable. He woke up just a little bit ago, hungry, so I just gave him a bottle. He gave me some nice little giggles and smiles while I changed him, and loved his starry night lights (closeout projection globe thingy I impulse bought at Ikea). I put him back down and he seemed so much happier.

This will be the hardest thing for me as a parent, I think, watching Simon endure pain. Right now it's physical, and inevitable, but it's the other kid stuff that will be hard. I think about some of the serious falls I had, having my bike stolen, crushes on girls... stuff like that. I know it's inevitable, but I so don't look forward to it.


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