My favorite is Morgan Webb, who hosts X-Play. Other favorites include Sarah Lane on The Screensavers and Cat Schwarz on Call for Help. I also really dig Jessica Corbin on TSS, though she's less geek and more uber-TV producer. Gotta send props to Laura Swisher on Unscrewed too.
It's a great world where geeky girls can be popular and on your hot list.
I'm glad that they finally let Morgan do her thing on X-Play. At first she was too much of a sidekick, and that sucked. Just before she left TSS, she was easily kicking ass and taking names as the best person on that show. She's coming into her own now on XP.
Speaking of Internet Tonight, I always thought that was a great idea for a show, but the execution was poorly done. They should have devoted more time to the off the wall places on the net.
Returning to the main subject of babes...I concur with the majority here in saying that Morgan Webb is god's gift to television. Cat definitely has her moments, and I'm warming to Jessica Corbin.
Freewheelinjoe and I have been known to quote some surf guru on occassion as well.