The family transient

posted by Jeff | Saturday, July 20, 2013, 10:53 PM | comments: 0

It was a long week without the rest of my unit, but they finally arrived last night a bit after 6. Weather and rush hour made the last hour or so torture for them, but they finally made it. That was the longest I've been away from them, and it was exceptionally weird.

We've moved quite a bit in the last three and a half years (this is our fourth move in that time), and it's crazy to think about how flexible I've become about what "home" is to me. I used to find safety in deep roots, and now it's not that critical. And yet, being truly transient is a little unsettling. I think the issue isn't the don't-have-a-home problem, it's the chaos surrounding the movement. I'm also finding that it comes from empathy for Simon, who is struggling a little with the transition. Despite being an amazing traveler, he's really feeling out of sorts. And that makes sense, because he never left for a trip with an empty house and all of his things on a truck, at least, not since he was one and a half.

I think our biggest challenge is the gap between arriving here and having our furniture and stuff arriving. My frustration is building because the leasing company failed to mention that there was a wholly separate gas company (not sure who it even is), and that the existing gas service was shut off. Our rental house has no hot water. I'm a little pissed off about it.

Being proactive, we have talked a lot about what life looks like a year from now, before Simon starts school. We would like to have a more stable situation by then. This inevitably led to discussions about buying a house, which feels a whole lot more committed than renting, but it does make sense financially as long as the housing market doesn't take another dump. We even looked at some new models near us, just to satisfy our curiosity.

This is where I'm still rather gun shy. I associate owning a house with being stuck. Mind you, I did move away from my house, and paid for two at a time, but that situation sucked, and I never want to be in that situation again. I mostly believe it's not likely to repeat, but I still get nervous about it.

In any case, living in a hotel in the short term isn't very fun at all. It will be nice to have a little room to stretch out and be in a more conventional situation.


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