I keep getting e-mail from the GOP (which was not surprisingly caught by my spam filter) with no unsubscribe link. They even have a tracking pixel in the e-mail.
Spamming bastards.
I get it too. A while back, there was an unsubscribe link. I tried it and it didn't make any difference.
Did you ever read that garbage?
I'm a little tired of the democrats calling me at dinner time or coming home to a message on the answering machine.
...I bet you don't complain when the Republicans call at dinner time, do you? At any rate, there's a difference between being a nuisance (phone calls) and breaking the law (spam email without functional unsubscribe).
Really? I'm subscribed to donotcall.gov, still get the phone calls from politicians. What's the penalty for violating that law, not to mention there is a functional unsubscribe. To make matters even worst, how about my wife's teachers union calling and soliciting for democratic canidates. Here is another, I used to get a report from the representative of my district. Completely unsolicited. The only way he received my e-mail address was when I complained about his lack of responsiveness on a hot issue (Medical Malpractice) in my state.
The do not call list doesn't include non-profit or political work.
And democrat or republican, I have a policy of not answering the phone in the early evening. I will never for the life of understand how bothering people (be it phone calls, spam e-mail, or pop-up ads) is effective. Nobody I have ever met likes any of it. Yet it must work often enough because it continues to be done.