Tits are bad!

posted by Jeff | Tuesday, February 8, 2005, 8:14 PM | comments: 6

Did you happen to see the ad for GoDaddy.com during the Super Bowl? If you did, you saw the cut version. You also didn't see it in the second half because Fox decided to ditch it.

Personally I thought it was hilarious. However, in America, boobs are an evil and indecent thing, even when they're in a TV spot covered and clearly making fun. It's OK though, because you'll see some nice movie trailers and show promos with lots of gun fire and violence instead. Whew!



February 9, 2005, 1:49 AM #

But blowing people up with a rocket launcher is just good television!


February 9, 2005, 2:02 AM #

With the tit problem from last years Super Bowl, I can't blame Fox for being a bit gun shy.

Reminds me of the time I visited England with my step-dad. It was about 8pm, and we were watching regular non-cable TV. We were floored. Full frontal sex scenes. Stuff HBO wouldn't show at 3am.

Face it, as a country we have issues with sexuality.



February 9, 2005, 2:18 AM #

Her shoulder strap breaks....

Female Hearing Member: "Secure her...We don't want any accidents."

Male Hearing Member: "I think I just had one...excuse me." (walks off screen.)

Female Hearing Member: "Those are not real."


February 9, 2005, 2:40 AM #

I saw another version online before the SuperBowl and at the end a ladie said "Please keep that strap on!"

Good stuff.


February 9, 2005, 3:50 PM #

It REALLY bugs (and concerns) me how uptight this country is about sex and nudity while accepting of violence.

Love bad, death good?


February 10, 2005, 1:04 AM #

Please, people didn't even know Jackson showed her tit last year until you hopped on the Internet for some pics. It happened so fast, you were left wondering why they cut the camera away not whether you saw a boobie.

Our society is way out of whack here...it's not okay to breastfeed in public but it is okay to have gruesome volience shown on our nightly news?

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